
Monday, 3 December 2012

SMYTC Holiday Challenge! Day 2: Candy Canes!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Today is Day 2 of the Show Me Your Topcoats Holiday Nail Art Challenge and the theme is Candy canes! 

I tried a few taping manicures with my striping tape, but they all came out really messy and not quite what I wanted! So then I decided.. hey! Why not just use the striping tape to my advantage and actually leave it on and incorporate it into the manicure? So that is what I did :)

I started with base of a-England Percival, a very glowy deep jewel toned red. Then I added holographic striping tape in a diagonal line pattern on each nail. At first it was pretty time consuming but I got quicker as I went along. In the pictures the striping tape just looks silver, but I promise it was color-changing holo in real life! It made for a pretty flashy manicure. 

I am wearing 2 layers of HK Girl topcoat and have been wearing this manicure for about 24 hours now and the tape is still stuck on there pretty good. Color me impressed :)

So there it is! I hope you liked my Candy Cane manicure for Day 2! I hope you'll check out the other awesome ladies' nails from Show Me Your Top Coats below! Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!


  1. For this challenge I wish I had the striping tape. It was a pain in the butt!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Wahoo! Please check out my blog for further information!

  2. This is lovely! I can't for the life of me get striping tape to last for even a day when I place it diagonally. :/

  3. I need to get me some striping tape. Love this!
